Hospital transport booking

Booking non-urgent Hospital transport
We are changing the way some patients book their non-urgent transport to medical appointments to ensure that all patients access this service in the same way.
From Friday 1st July 2022 we are asking all patients to call the Travel Response Centre directly.
You will not be able to book non-urgent transport via your GP practice after this date
By calling the Travel Response Centre directly it is anticipated that patients will find booking their non-urgent transport quicker and more streamlined.
What this means for you?
You will need to call the Travel Response Centre on 03000 269 999 between the hours of 09:00 – 16:30 to book your non-urgent transport directly once you receive your appointment letter. Please have your NHS number to hand when you call. This can be found on your appointment letter.
The Travel Response Centre is operated by our partners at Durham County Council and bookings can be made up to 4 weeks in advance of your appointment, and up until 10 am two days prior to your appointment.
You will be asked some eligibility questions by the person answering your call at the Travel Response Centre, such as
- Whether you have a pre-booked appointment at a hospital or clinic
- If you are a patient who is attending Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, or Renal Dialysis
- If your treatment prevents you from making your own way home safely
- If you are able/unable to use your own transport to attend hospital or clinic
Should you have any queries about this new process, please do not hesitate to contact us on 07920 467 422 or email [email protected]
We are available between the hours of 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday