
  • Contraception


The NHS provides free access to contraception for all patients.

Locally, you can contact the surgery or the local Contraception and Sexual Health Clinic (CASH).

Request a new or change contraception

The local Contraception and Sexual Health Clinic (CASH) can help you chose which contraception would suit you the best:

If you prefer you can contact the practice for your contraception and one of our nurses can help:

Request a repeat contraception

If you get your contraception from the CASH clinic then please contact them:

If you get your contraception from the practice then the easiest way to renew your contraception is by sending an eConsult. One of our nurses will get back to you in response. You may still need to come to the surgery though if we need to do some measurements that you cannot provide remotely (e.g. blood pressure).

Emergency contraception

Emergency contraception is most effective the sooner you take it. Your local pharmacy can supply this or the CASH clinic can also help.