Online services

We offer patients are range of ways to interact with us and their data online.

GP online services (SystmOne Online)

This is a quick, easy, and secure way using a web browser to do a number of things. It is the platform provided by the clinical system we use called SystmOne.

Existing users

Before using GP online services you need to register first. If you have already registered you can login now.

Login to GP online services now

New users

GP online services allow you to:

  • order repeat prescriptions
  • book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional 
  • see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
  • see communications between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospitals

Non-urgent advice: How to register for online services

Collect an online registration form from the reception desk at your practice. Fill in this form and hand it back in. This will require you to have 2 forms of identification. You will then receive an email with your log in details and will be able to log in online.


The NHS App can only be used as an app on smartphones and tablets. It provides the same functions as the GP online services (SystmOne Online) as described above.

To register you do not need to visit the practice first, but instead will need to show some ID using your camera when registering.

Once you have registered you will have basic account access which has limited functions but you will need to request full account access by visiting the surgery.


With immediate effect, the eConsult service is only available during the hours of 08:00 – 18:30.

To better assist with patient safety, we ask that any queries relating to a medical condition are not put through via an eConsult and instead ask you to please contact the Surgery via the telephone. 

Please use the eConsult service for Fit (Sick) Note/ Admin requests only.

Non-urgent advice: eConsult operating capacity

Due to significant demand we now cap the number of eConsults we can receive each day at 80. This is the limit that our clinicians feel can be safely dealt with each day. Once this cap is reached the eConsult website will advise that it is closed for the rest of the day. It will then reopen the following day.

You can continue to contact us by telephone if required. We advise you visit 111 Online outside of working hours for urgent medical advice.

Updating your details

Let us know if your contact details have changed

Help us to keep your clinical record up to date

Give us your feedback

The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed.

Staying informed

Our practice newsletter is released monthly. This will be available on our website in the news section, on our social media page and also within the practice.