

How to order medications

Online services

You can order your prescriptions online using the web or the NHS app.

Repeat prescriptions

For certain conditions requiring long-term medication, you will be able to obtain repeat prescriptions without having to see the doctor every time. Repeat prescriptions may be requested by:

  • Filling out the prescription form in our main reception
  • Using SystmOne Online internet site (requires initial registration in person at the surgery)
  • Using the NHS app (initial registration can be done entirely online)
  • Using the Airmid app (requires a SystmOne Online account above)

Once you have requested your repeat prescription the practice requires 2 working days before the prescription can be issued. It is, therefore, in your own interest to ensure that you have sufficient medication to last until you actually receive your prescription. Pharmacies also require 2 working days to process your prescription so it’s good idea to allow at least a week when ordering your prescription. Due to the amount of prescriptions we action each week it is not possible for us to accept requests any earlier than 3 weeks in advance.

If you’re going in holidays or anything changes with your medication please let us know.  

Acute (single or non-repeat) medications

Non-urgent advice: Prescriptions are now electronic

From 2020 prescriptions are now sent electronically by default. If you haven’t already please let us know your nominated pharmacy. It takes several hours for prescriptions from the surgery to be downloaded by a pharmacy so for urgent medications please request a printed or SMS token number to provide to your pharmacy.

All requests for medications that are not on repeat will be reviewed by a GP or practice pharmacist before they can be issued. We require some information when you submit your request about the reason for you needing this medication and if it is helping or you are having any side effects.

You can submit an acute prescription by:

  • Filling out the prescription form in our main reception
  • Using the NHS app (initial registration can be done entirely online)
  • Using the Airmid app (requires initial registration in person at the surgery)
  • Using SystmOne Online internet site (requires initial registration in person at the surgery)

Prescription charges

There is a national charge for each item on a prescription though some patients will be exempt from charges due to age, medical condition, or being in receipt of state benefits.

The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication.

Please contact your local pharmacy for details of prescription charges.

Or contact

There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website

If you have any queries about your prescription please call us on 01207 583400 and speak to on of our GP administrators.