Supporting those with, or caring for people with dementia

Consett Medical Center is working towards being a Dementia Friendly surgery, for more information please speak to our reception team.
Keeping you safe
The Herbert Protocol is a new scheme recently introduced by Durham Constabulary.
Working alongside its partners in the council, fire and rescue as well as Age UK and The Alzheimer’s Society, it encourages staff, families, friends and carers to compile useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing from either care homes or their own homes.
For more information, click here.

Dementia Friendly Swimming
Dementia Friendly Swimming sessions are now taking place at Spennymoor Leisure Centre. These take place every Monday from 2.30-3.30pm.
As with all Dementia Friendly Swimming sessions, the first week is free and following sessions are charged at £2.60 for the person with dementia and free entrance for their carers. Support is available if required, at reception, in the changing room and in the pool. Free refreshments are offered afterward.
The difference between dementia friendly swimming at Spennymoor compared to other sites is the pool. It’s unique shape means that at its shallowest point it is only ankle deep and therefore is suitable for those who perhaps don’t want to swim but would like to paddle. The leisure centre also has a pool wheelchair meaning that even those with limited mobility can be wheeled in and can enjoy the water from the comfort of the chair.
Dementia Friendly Swimming sessions are also still being delivered at Chester-Le-Street Leisure Centre, Teesdale Leisure Centre in Barnard Castle and Freeman’s Quay Leisure Centre in Durham City. More information on these can be found here or through the dementia connect search engine on the Alzheimer’s Society Website.